Workshops & Events

CHABLIS sponsors a number of aging-related research events and workshops at UChicago and NORC. Many of these events are embedded within existing workshops at the University of Chicago. CHABLIS sponsored events will be advertised via the CHeSS e-newsletter, through the CHABLIS listserv, and on this website. Below we describe some of the workshops on campus that feature research in the demography and economics of aging and how to sign up to receive reminders for each workshop series.

Demography Workshop 

The Donald J. Bogue Demography Workshop is held on Thursdays from 12:30-1:30 pm and takes place on Zoom until further notice.  The workshop features both internal and external speakers presenting on innovative research at the intersection of demography and economics across the life course. Since the 1984-85 academic year, the weekly Demography Workshop has played a unique and central role in integrating advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows into the intellectual life of the former Center on Aging, and now CHABLIS. Learn More.

Health Economics Workshop

The Health Economics Workshop (HEW) is an interdisciplinary workshop that features participants from the Social and Biological Sciences Divisions, several professional schools (Business, Law, Public Policy, and Social Service Administration), and faculty from outside the University of Chicago. Held on select Thursday afternoons from 3:30-5:00 pm, in-person at the Harris School of Public Policy, HEW is an important venue to present research in the areas of health economics, medical decision-making, health services research, health policy, and topics related to population health. It also provides a forum for professional development and mentoring of students and junior faculty. Learn more.

Outcomes Research Workshop

The Outcomes Research Workshop (ORW) is focused on clinical outcomes, health services, and comparative effectiveness research, patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR), and medical education, with an emphasis on the application or use of social science research methods. The workshop is highly interactive and provides opportunities for trainees, fellows, and faculty to present early-stage research ideas or preliminary results, to practice conference talks, or to use the time as a research or grant preparation working meeting with colleagues and senior faculty. The ORW originated over 10 years ago as part of the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program and continues to be open to the University community. ORW takes place weekly on Wednesday mornings from 8:30-9:30 am and will take place on Zoom until further notice. Learn more

Lifecycle Working Group

The Lifecycle Working Group, organized by James Heckman, Steven Durlauf, and Jin Zhou, invites faculty, researchers and graduate students to present work that applies the comprehensive lifecycle approach to the study of human flourishing. The workshop takes place on Tuesdays at 1:30PM on Zoom. This interdisciplinary workshop is open to the campus research community. Learn more.

Workshop on Quantitative Research Methods in Education, Health, and Social Sciences (QMEHSS)

QMEHSS, which takes place every other Friday from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm, serves as an important venue on the University of Chicago campus for building an intellectual community of colleagues who share methodological interests. Workshop participants meet biweekly to discuss working papers and brainstorm solutions to methodological problems encountered in ongoing research. Participants have included faculty members, researchers, and students from the Social Sciences Division, Health Studies, Statistics, Public Policy, the National Opinion Research Center, the Consortium for Chicago School Research, and colleagues from the University of Illinois in Chicago. In addition, we have invited speakers from other major universities to share with us their latest work. Learn more

MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics Seminar Series

Since 1981, the MacLean Center has sponsored an annual lecture series that has examined the ethical aspects of one key health-related topic. In 2020-2021, our topic is Ethics and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Medical, Social and Political Issues. Weekly lectures will be on Wednesdays from 12:00 to 1:30 pm until May 2021. Learn more

Michael M. Davis Lecture Series

The Michael M. Davis Lecture Series has been convening disparities research audiences on Tuesdays for decades, at the School of Social Service Administration. This series brings renowned policy experts, researchers and commentators to the University to explore the intersection of health policy and the broad needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged populations. CHAS also provides support for conferences and workshops focused on issues surrounding health services and health policy research. Lectures take place on Tuesdays at 12:30 on Zoom. Learn more

Center for Health and the Social Sciences 
5841 S. Maryland Avenue, Mail Code 1005
Chicago, IL 60637