Summer Program in Outcomes Research Training (SPORT)
Program Overview
The Summer Program in Outcomes Research Training (SPORT) provides an intensive introduction to outcomes research for residents, fellows, and junior faculty and includes coursework and applied training in health services research methods, data, quantitative analysis, and applications. The program also offers participants opportunities to learn how to publish their work, present their findings, and develop a research proposal that could form the basis of an NIH or other career development award. All SPORT participants attend the weekly Outcomes Research Workshop (ORW) as well as a number of other workshops and training opportunities throughout the summer.
A number of trainees have used SPORT as a way to jumpstart a master’s degree in Public Health Sciences (MSCP), but SPORT can also function as a stand-alone program.
For additional questions about SPORT, please contact Joshua Santiago, program administrator, at
2025 Program Dates: Monday, July 7 through Friday, August 22. A tentative SPORT 2025 schedule will be available June 2025.
The application for SPORT is now open. The application deadline is Monday, April 7, 2025.
SPORT Schedule and Format
SPORT fellows should have fully protected time Monday-Thursday to allow for participation in program activities and completion of out-of-class assignments. Fridays will be open so that fellows may maintain limited clinical responsibilities, if needed, during the program.
All SPORT 2025 activities are expected to be conducted in person, although hybrid or remote participation may be possible for participants from ITM institutions outside of UChicago. Please contact Joshua Santiago with questions.
Fundamentals of Health Services Research—CCTS 45200/PPHA 47900/PBHS 35000
Instructors: David Meltzer, MD, PhD; Marshall Chin, MD, MPH; others key HSR faculty from UChicago
Time: Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays, 1:00-2:30 pm; Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30 am
Location: H300
This course is designed to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of health services research. The basic concepts of health services research will be taught with an emphasis on both their social scientific foundations and the methods needed for their practical application to empirically relevant research. Theoretical foundations will draw on principles from economics, sociology, psychology, and the other social sciences. Methodological topics to be covered will include techniques for data collection and analysis, including outcomes measurement, survey methods, large data set research, population-based study design, community based participatory research, research based in clinical settings, qualitative methods, cost-effectiveness analysis, and tools of economic and sociological analysis. The theoretical and empirical techniques taught will emphasize those relevant to the examination of health care costs, quality, and access. Major applications will include: measurement and improvement of health care quality, analysis of health disparities, analysis of health care technology, and analysis of health care systems and markets. Students prepare a grant proposal as the final assignment for this course.
Health Services Research: Data, Quantitative Methods, and Applications – CCTS 45300
Instructor: Andrea Flores, MA
Time: Tues/Thurs from 10:00-11:30 am; Weds 2:00-3:30 pm
Location: H300
This course will use an application oriented approach to help students learn fundamental skills in how to use data and quantitative methods to answer questions in health research. Students will learn about different data sources and structures as well as the study designs that are best suited for each type of data structure. Students will also learn to apply statistical techniques, including basic tests of differences and linear and logistic regression, to the analysis of various research questions in practice datasets. Other topics covered will include calculating power/sample sizes, data linking, and data simulation. Basic programming will be done in Stata. Accompanied by online instruction in Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the Statistics, which provides an introduction to foundational statistical concepts, students will learn about working with data captured in EPIC, available in public and private insurance claims, captured in the Clinical Research Data Warehouse (CRDW), compiled in aggregated sources such as N3C (National COVID Cohort Collaborative) and CAPriCORN (Chicago Area Patient Centered Outcomes Research Network), generated from sensors and wearable devices, and collected as part of ongoing surveys such as the Hospitalist Project. There will be dedicated time to practice statistical programming in Stata, and fellows who are already working with a particular data set will have the opportunity to advance their analyses in class.
In addition to the workshops below, we are developing new workshops and mini-modules that will be announced at a later date.
Research Proposal Development Workshop (RPDW)
Instructor: Micah Prochaska, MD, MS
Time: Mondays, 2:45-4:15 PM
Location: H300
RPDW provides SPORT participants with an opportunity for small group mentorship in the development of a research proposal in their area of interest. The workshop will focus on moving from a broad research interest to a focused research question, including hypothesis generation and the development of well-framed specific aims. Enrollees will have an opportunity to develop their ideas with and receive feedback from colleagues as they prepare to present to a larger group through the Outcomes Research Workshop or other seminar series. Additionally, some participants use this workshop to work on the final assignment for the Fundamentals of Health Services Research course, which is a grant proposal.
Cultural Competency Workshop (CCW)
Instructor: Joel Jackson, MPP
Time: Thursdays, 9:00-10:00 AM
Location: H300
Cultural competence is essential to achieve the academic medical center tripartite mission of patient-centered clinical care, research, and education. This course helps advance this mission by building an organization that meets the cultural and communication needs of patients and staff. It also provides a foundation of core skills for researchers seeking to conduct independent and collaborative research that will transform the science and practice of medicine, improve clinical practice and health outcomes, and advance health toward health equity.
Outcomes Research Workshop (ORW)
Organizer: Joshua Santiago, MA
Time: Wednesdays, 8:30 – 9:30 AM
Location: H300
The Outcomes Research Workshop offers trainees and faculty interested in outcomes research an opportunity to receive supportive and constructive feedback from colleagues representing a wide range of disciplinary perspectives.
The standard fee for SPORT is $3,500. At the University of Chicago, for Department of Medicine candidates, Medicine will pay $1,750 and the section will pay $1,750. Surgery will pay $3,500 for candidates participating from that department, and applicants from other departments or institutions should check with their department chair regarding this fee.
Students currently enrolled in a University of Chicago graduate program may be able to participate in SPORT without additional charges beyond tuition and fees by registering for the courses as part of their graduate program.
Please note that SPORT fellows do not receive a transcript or course credit for CCTS 45200 and 45300 unless they are enrolled in a degree program and have confirmed with their primary department that the courses can be counted toward degree requirements as electives.
How to Apply
Apply to SPORT using the SPORT online application by Monday, April 7, 2025, at 5 pm Central Time. You will need to submit the following application materials:
- A current CV
- A statement describing your interest in completing SPORT training (300-500 words)
- A recommendation letter from your Department or Section chair.
- This letter must include confirmation that you will have fully protected time Monday-Thursday to attend SPORT program activities and complete out-of-class assignments.
- The letter must also outline how your SPORT program will be funded. Additionally, please include the name, email address, and phone number (if applicable) of the individual(s) responsible for receiving invoices.
- Note: For those attending SPORT from the University of Chicago Department of Medicine, please simply list your section administrative contact for invoicing purposes.
Leadership and Contact Information
SPORT is led by Marshall Chin, MD, MPH, and David Meltzer, MD, PhD. Please contact Assistant Director of Training Programs and Communications Joshua Santiago, at with questions.